
Shopping Application

This an implementation of real-world, industry-approved practices of several important concepts.

It consists of some backend microservices with infrastructure which function in a unified way.

These microservices are developed using:


The stable releases of the following technologies are used:

Technology Version Technology Version
JDK 17+ Spring Boot 3.0+
Spring Cloud 2022+ Spring Kafka 3.0+
Lombok 1.18+ MySQL 8.0+
MongoDB 5.0+ PostgreSQL 15.3+
Netflix Eureka 4.0+ Keycloak 21.0+
Prometheus 2.40+ Grafana 9.0+
Maven 3.8+ Docker 20+

P.S. For production purposes, only Docker is sufficient.


For development purposes (without Prometheues and Grafana), follow as below:

Preparing Infrastructure

  1. Deploy the Mongo database for the product-service with this Docker command:

     docker run --detach --name dev-mongo --publish 27017:27017 mongo:5.0.18-focal
  2. Deploy the MySQL database for the order/inventory-Services with this Docker command:

     docker run --detach --name dev-mysql --publish 3306:3306 \
                --env MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=dev-root mysql:8-oracle
  3. Enter mysqlsh in the terminal and execute these commands:

     \connect root@localhost:3306
     create schema `order-data`;
     create schema `inventory-data`;
  4. Deploy the Keycloak server for authorization with this Docker command:

     docker run --detach --name dev-keycloak --publish 8181:8080 \
                --env KEYCLOAK_ADMIN=admin --env KEYCLOAK_ADMIN_PASSWORD=pass \
  5. Deploy the Zipkin server for tracing with this Docker command:

     docker run --detach --name dev-zipkin \
                --publish 9411:9411 openzipkin/zipkin
  6. Start the Kafka service for communication with this Docker command:

     docker-compose --detach start kafka-broker

Booting Microservices

  1. Build the Maven application with this Maven command:

    mvn clean install

  2. Execute each Maven module with this Maven command:

    mvn spring-boot:run

Utilizing Application

  1. Go to the Keycloak server URL: http://localhost:8181 and login with: [admin:pass]

  2. Open the shopping-microservices-realm from the list of available Realms.

  3. Generate new Access Token through the Postman client with these settings:

     Authorization -> Type = OAuth 2.0
     Configure New Token -> Token Name = keycloak-token
                            Grant Type = Client Credentials
                            Access Token URL = Value of "token_endpoint" from Realm Settings -> OpenID Config.
                            Client ID = spring-cloud-client
                            Client Secret = Value from Clients -> "spring-cloud-client" -> Credentials
                            Scope = openid offline_access
  4. Test these URLs with this Access Token to consume the APIs:


Monitoring Application

  1. Connect to the Mongo DB at the following URI:

  2. Connect to the MySQL DBs at the following URI:


    … with these credentials: [root:dev-root]

  3. Check the instances available at the Eureka server URL:

    http://localhost:8761 or http://localhost:8080/eureka/web

  4. Check the distributed tracing at the Zipkin server URL:



For production purposes (with Prometheues and Grafana), follow as below:

Running Application

  1. Create the Docker containers with this Maven command:

    mvn clean install jib:build

  2. Start the entire application with this Docker command:

    docker-compose –detach up

Utilizing Application

  1. Go to the Keycloak server URL: http://localhost:8181 and login with: [admin:pass]

  2. Open the shopping-microservices-realm from the list of available Realms.

  3. Generate new Access Token through the Postman client with these settings:

     Authorization -> Type = OAuth 2.0
     Configure New Token -> Token Name = keycloak-token
                            Grant Type = Client Credentials
                            Access Token URL = Value of "token_endpoint" from Realm Settings -> OpenID Config.
                            (Replace `localhost` with `keycloak-auth`, i.e. the name of its Container service)
                            (Include ` keycloak-auth` inside `C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts`)
                            Client ID = spring-cloud-client
                            Client Secret = Value from Clients -> "spring-cloud-client" -> Credentials
                            Scope = openid offline_access
  4. Test these URLs with this Access Token to consume the APIs:


Monitoring Application

  1. Connect to the Mongo DB at the following URI:

  2. Connect to the PostgreSQL DBs at the following URI:


    … with these credentials: [user:pass]

  3. Check the instances available at the Eureka server URL:

    http://localhost:8761 or http://localhost:8080/eureka/web

  4. Check the distributed tracing at the Zipkin server URL:


  5. Check the application metrics at the Prometheus server URL:


  6. Visualize the application activity at the Grafana server URL:


    … with these credentials: [admin:pass]

  7. Add Prometheus as a Data Source for Grafana.

  8. Import the grafana-dashboard.json file into the Dashboards.

Thank you for using it!